
Land ohne Worte

Aufführung im Ashtar Theater am 27.04.2016

Im Angesicht des Krieges wird Kunst bedeutungslos? Willkürliche Zerstörung von Leben lässt sich nicht in Worten beschreiben? Das Leben weit weg vom Krieg erscheint im Gegensatz dazu falsch? Kunst wird sinnlos?

اِقرأ المزيد: Land ohne Worte

News, Videos and more from Ashtar Theater at facebook

Dear Visitor, you will find more Information about Ashtar Theater at facebook!

Follow this link ->

ثلاثة أعمال لمسرح عشتار في المانيا ابتداء من نهاية الاسبوع الجاري

يستعد الطاقم الفني لمسرح عشتار وبدعوة من شركائه في شبكة مسرح- تياتر لجولة عروض في المانيا  بثلاثة اعمال مسرحية هي: "48 دقيقة من أجل فلسطين" و "مونولوجات غزة" و "مونولوجات سوريا"، وذلك في كل من برلين وهانوفر ولينغن، في الفترة ما بين السابع  الى الثامن عشر من شهر ابريل/ نيسان الجاري.
هذه الجولة من العروض بدعم من اللجنة الكنسية للمسرح في هانوفر، ومعهد التعليم المسرحي في جامعة ازنبروك- لينغن، ومؤسسة روزا لوكسمبورغ في برلين. عروض مدينة لينغن ستكون في معهد التعليم المسرحي في جامعة ازنبروك، أما عروض مدينة هانوفر فهي ضمن فعاليات مهرجان فلسطين السابع "مهرجان الثقافة والسياسة في فلسطين". أما عرض برلين  "للمونولوجات السورية" فسيكون في مسرح الإكسبيديشن ميتروبوليس.

اِقرأ المزيد: ثلاثة أعمال لمسرح عشتار في المانيا ابتداء من نهاية الاسبوع الجاري

Ashtar Newsletter

ASHTAR Theatre participates in TAMAM’s master class at Avignon Festival
Rana Burqan, ASHTAR graduate, participated in the first master class of TAMAM Association as part of Avignon Festival – France in July 2015. The master class focused on watching 20 different performances at the festival, discussing them and writing critical articles about them. In addition to Palestine, the countries that participated in the master class were: France, Oman, Syria and Lebanon. The master class was led by the Syrian journalist and actor George Da’boul.

اِقرأ المزيد: Ashtar Newsletter

Statement by the Palestinian Performing Arts Network

The  Palestinian Performing Arts Network (PAN) published a statement about the actual development in Israel/Palestine.

You will find it here ->

Al Mirya’ Wal-Qurqa’

“Al Mirya’ Wal-Qurqa’ ” is a Forum play created upon a field research conducted by members of the production team with governmental, private organizations and Palestinian farmers.

This theatre piece sheds light on important issues, and urgent folders in the field of agriculture, and the various obstacles the Palestinian farmers face. The play aspires to stimulate the audience to think of their responsibilities towards the agricultural sector.

اِقرأ المزيد: Al Mirya’ Wal-Qurqa’

Palestinian Cultural Day 2019

Palestinian Cultural Day 2019

We are honored at Tiro Association for Arts to invite you to attend the opening of the 2nd version of Palestinian Cultural Day 2019 on Friday 27 September 2019 at 5:00 PM at the Lebanese National Theater in Tyre.

اِقرأ المزيد: Palestinian Cultural Day 2019

Overview of Ashtar Theatre activities during 2014

Drama Training Program
An ongoing program whereby school students study acting for three years. In Partnership with UNICEF the program in 2014 reached 120 students aged 14 to 18 covering Gaza, Jerusalem, Jericho, and Ramallah.

اِقرأ المزيد: Overview of Ashtar Theatre activities during 2014

Anual Report 2013 of Ashtar Theatre

ASHTAR Theatre has been able to achieve its 2013 plan efficiently and effectively. The 4th Theatre of the Oppressed Festival was implemented during the spring focusing on the rights of children and women. The Festival was held for the first time in Gaza with the participation of two community groups that have been trained by ASHTAR Theatre. In the West Bank a workshop on "Rainbow of Desire" was implemented by the Theatre of the Oppressed Company of Paris. Furthermore, two professional theatre groups participated along with four community theatre groups.

اِقرأ المزيد: Anual Report 2013 of Ashtar Theatre

Al Mishal Theatre in Gaza destroyed

With great rage and deep pain, ASHTAR Theatre condemns the brutal attack of the Israeli occupation on Al Mishal Theatre in Gaza which flattened the 6 floors building to the ground.

Al Mishal Theatre in Gaza

Al Mishal was the base of ASHTAR youth group in Gaza since 2008. It had been the stage to various productions of ASHTAR Theatre; The Gaza Monologues, Romeo and Juliet in Gaza, Hanin, The Flowers Garden, Hercules Children, and many more. The atrocities of the occupation had been escalating and it seems there is no bottom for their deterioration.

Ashtar Theatre - Psychosoziale Theaterarbeit in Gaza

Fast zwei Millionen Menschen leben im Gazastreifen. Das Gebiet ist seit 2006 belagert und gleicht einem Gefängnis. Alle zwei Jahre greifen die israelischen Besatzer Gaza an und hinterlassen ein geschocktes und dauerhaft traumatisiertes Volk. Alle Bewohner Gazas brauchen Therapie, Rehabilitation und Heilung.

Weiterlesen auf "Ashtar Theatre - Psychosoziale Theaterarbeit in Gaza"

Theatre for 1000 deprived children in Palestine

ASHTAR Theatre has launched a new initiative to empower children. Please help ASHTAR Theatre to reach the goal, any amount will help. At least 40 people are needed to donate on line. So please go to the link below and donate what you can.

Theatre for 1000 deprived children in Palestine

اِقرأ المزيد: Theatre for 1000 deprived children in Palestine

Die augenblickliche Situation des palästinensischen Theaters, seine Ziele, seine weitere Orientierung, Bestrebungen und vor allem die dazu gehörenden Herausforderungen

von Iman Aoun
Wenn wir über das palästinensische Theater sprechen, müssen wir auch in diesem Zusammenhang den Beitrag aller Palästinenser zur Theaterarbeit mit berücksichtigen. Gemeint sind die Palästinenser, die im historischen Palästina und auch die, die im heutigen Israel leben. Die Kulturarbeit hat das Ziel, im Gegensatz zur Politik, die verschiedenen palästinensischen Gruppen zusammenzuführen.

اِقرأ المزيد: Die augenblickliche Situation des palästinensischen Theaters, seine Ziele, seine weitere...

Take a five-minutes break and visit the new Gaza Monologues website

“The Gaza Mono-Logues”
A global artistic solidarity call

Thirty-three young people from Gaza believed in 2010, that they have a voice other than the cries of fear and the moans of frustration. A voice that can rise higher than the drone of war, planes that bombarded them day and night, a voice that says: “Enough!!! We deserve a world better than this, a world without fear, siege or occupation.”

اِقرأ المزيد: Take a five-minutes break and visit the new Gaza Monologues website